One of the most annoying things about moving house is the cleaning – and removing stubborn stains and marks is one of the hardest things to do when prepping your house for a move.  Its always important, when using these tips to spot test and ensure that you won't be doing more damage than good.  You should also always take your cleaning items with you – a box of your most commonly used items or a checklist can save you time and effort in the long run.
Some of the most common stains and marks can be removed with ease – with every day household items.

Scuffs and marks on woodwork can be removed with a pencil eraser – these marks, from shoes, wheels, or rubber bumping against things are hard to remove any other way, but come off with ease with a rubber.
Toothpaste isn't just great for cleaning teeth – you can use it to remove stubborn ink, crayon, or scuff stains from any surface – be careful to test it on wallpaper first in an inconspicuous place.  You'll have to remove most of these stains from walls before painting as they can show through several layers of paint.

Toothpaste is also good for removing crayon from radiators, or glass – just rub lightly with a non abrasive cloth, or for tough stains, leave to sit for up to one hour before scrubbing gently.

You can remove unwanted paint from most woodwork by carefully scouring with a brass scourer – not too hard though, or you'll scratch the other paintwork.
Scum stains, dried toothpaste and lime scale come off with liberal application of an oxy based paste – you can get any 'oxy' based cleaner (one that fizzes and heats up the water slightly) in most supermarkets.

You can remove moldy or damp smells just about anywhere with bicarbonate of soda.  Simply apply to the smelly area (or leave a tub open in a cupboard or fridge) and the smell should be vastly diminished or gone within 24 hours.  The same goes for activated charcoal, or a few drops of vanilla on a cloth.  Baking soda is good for a whole month, so can be used continually, not just for cleaning for a move.

If you're washing textured walls, use a nylon sock to do so – it means you won't leave fluff in your wake – and always wash walls from the bottom up to avoid streaking, applying any cleaning solution you're using (once tested to ensure paint, or wallpaper fastness) in small patches whilst you're cleaning.
You can remove wax from carpets, floors or curtains simply by using an absorbent cloth and a hot iron – the wax should stick to the absorbent cloth and peel away easily.

Finally, don't mix cleaning products – most contain either ammonia or bleach and when combined the fumes are deadly.  Care should be taken when cleaning any are that has been spot treated with a  different solution than you are mopping with, because not only are some mixes deadly, but others can react with one another and cause spotting, or ugly marks.

Most of us have trained at one part in our lives. Chances are if you’ve ever taken your training seriously you’ve used a training journal or a training log.
The main difference between training journals and training logs, is what you document in them after each workout or day, etc. Training journals are just that. They are more of a journal rather than a log. They will normally include things like mental health and how you felt during the day or your workout.

Benefits of a good training journal

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Most of us have trained at one part in our lives. Chances are if you’ve ever taken your training seriously you’ve used a training journal or a training log.

The main difference between training journals and training logs, is what you document in them after each workout or day, etc. Training journals are just that. They are more of a journal rather than a log. They will normally include things like mental health and how you felt during the day or your workout. They can reach a bit into some statistical information but this is normally saved for a training log.

Training logs are generally created of off some kind of a template. For example. Everyday you fill out a form that has the same fields. Things like current weight, daily workout, diet information, are all things that can be put in a training Log on a day to day basis.

I wouldn’t recommend going all one route or all the other, both journaling and logging are important to keep an effective history of your past. I’ve found out through experience and that for convenience sake it’s nice to have two combined together in some way. This way it’s always easy to remember to do both.

Benefits of recording your training
The number one benefit of recoding your training is to have a detailed history to look back on. This can be very useful in times of planning. For example to figure out what has worked for you and what hasn’t. It’s very useful for figuring out reasons for injuries or for times of burnout.

Have you ever sat down and tried to plan out training with nothing to work with? If you have something to look back upon a detailed account of what you’ve done over the past few weeks it’s easy to plan ahead, and to effectively increase your workout intensity, etc to improve for the future.

A detailed journal is also really nice to have just for personal use, and to be able to look back on past months and years, to remember different accounts.

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Harold Bloom called Freud "The central imagination of our age". That psychoanalysis is not a scientific theory in the strict, rigorous sense of the word has long been established.


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“I am actually not a man of science at all. . . . I am nothing but a conquistador by temperament, an adventurer.”

(Sigmund Freud, letter to Fleiss, 1900)

"If you bring forth that which is in you, that which you bring forth will be your salvation".

(The Gospel of Thomas)

"No, our science is no illusion. But an illusion it would be to suppose that what science cannot give us we cannot get elsewhere."

(Sigmund Freud, "The Future of an Illusion")

Harold Bloom called Freud "The central imagination of our age". That psychoanalysis is not a scientific theory in the strict, rigorous sense of the word has long been established. Yet, most criticisms of Freud's work (by the likes of Karl Popper, Adolf Grunbaum, Havelock Ellis, Malcolm Macmillan, and Frederick Crews) pertain to his - long-debunked - scientific pretensions.

Today it is widely accepted that psychoanalysis - though some of its tenets are testable and, indeed, have been experimentally tested and invariably found to be false or uncorroborated - is a system of ideas. It is a cultural construct, and a (suggested) deconstruction of the human mind. Despite aspirations to the contrary, psychoanalysis is not - and never has been - a value-neutral physics or dynamics of the psyche.

Freud also stands accused of generalizing his own perversions and of reinterpreting his patients' accounts of their memories to fit his preconceived notions of the unconscious . The practice of psychoanalysis as a therapy has been castigated as a crude form of brainwashing within cult-like settings.

Feminists criticize Freud for casting women in the role of "defective" (naturally castrated and inferior) men. Scholars of culture expose the Victorian and middle-class roots of his theories about suppressed sexuality. Historians deride and decry his stifling authoritarianism and frequent and expedient conceptual reversals.

Freud himself would have attributed many of these diatribes to the defense mechanisms of his critics. Projection, resistance, and displacement do seem to be playing a prominent role. Psychologists are taunted by the lack of rigor of their profession, by its literary and artistic qualities, by the dearth of empirical support for its assertions and fundaments, by the ambiguity of its terminology and ontology, by the derision of "proper" scientists in the "hard" disciplines, and by the limitations imposed by their experimental subjects (humans). These are precisely the shortcomings that they attribute to psychoanalysis.

Indeed, psychological narratives - psychoanalysis first and foremost - are not "scientific theories" by any stretch of this much-bandied label. They are also unlikely to ever become ones. Instead - like myths, religions, and ideologies - they are organizing principles.

Psychological "theories" do not explain the world. At best, they describe reality and give it "true", emotionally-resonant, heuristic and hermeneutic meaning. They are less concerned with predictive feats than with "healing" - the restoration of harmony among people and inside them.

Therapies - the practical applications of psychological "theories" - are more concerned with function, order, form, and ritual than with essence and replicable performance. The interaction between patient and therapist is a microcosm of society, an encapsulation and reification of all other forms of social intercourse. Granted, it is more structured and relies on a body of knowledge gleaned from millions of similar encounters. Still, the therapeutic process is nothing more than an insightful and informed dialog whose usefulness is well-attested to.

Both psychological and scientific theories are creatures of their times, children of the civilizations and societies in which they were conceived, context-dependent and culture-bound. As such, their validity and longevity are always suspect. Both hard-edged scientists and thinkers in the "softer" disciplines are influenced by contemporary values, mores, events, and interpellations.

The difference between "proper" theories of dynamics and psychodynamic theories is that the former asymptotically aspire to an objective "truth" "out there" - while the latter emerge and emanate from a kernel of inner, introspective, truth that is immediately familiar and is the bedrock of their speculations. Scientific theories - as opposed to psychological "theories" - need, therefore, to be tested, falsified, and modified because their truth is not self-contained.

Still, psychoanalysis was, when elaborated, a Kuhnian paradigm shift. It broke with the past completely and dramatically. It generated an inordinate amount of new, unsolved, problems. It suggested new methodological procedures for gathering empirical evidence (research strategies). It was based on observations (however scant and biased). In other words, it was experimental in nature, not merely theoretical. It provided a framework of reference, a conceptual sphere within which new ideas developed.

That it failed to generate a wealth of testable hypotheses and to account for discoveries in neurology does not detract from its importance. Both relativity theories were and, today, string theories are, in exactly the same position in relation to their subject matter, physics.

In 1963, Karl Jaspers made an important distinction between the scientific activities of Erklaren and Verstehen. Erklaren is about finding pairs of causes and effects. Verstehen is about grasping connections between events, sometimes intuitively and non-causally. Psychoanalysis is about Verstehen, not about Erklaren. It is a hypothetico-deductive method for gleaning events in a person's life and generating insights regarding their connection to his current state of mind and functioning.

So, is psychoanalysis a science, pseudo-science, or sui generis?

Psychoanalysis is a field of study, not a theory. It is replete with neologisms and formalism but, like Quantum Mechanics, it has many incompatible interpretations. It is, therefore, equivocal and self-contained (recursive). Psychoanalysis dictates which of its hypotheses are testable and what constitutes its own falsification. In other words, it is a meta-theory: a theory about generating theories in psychology.

Moreover, psychoanalysis the theory is often confused with psychoanalysis the therapy. Conclusively proving that the therapy works does not establish the veridicality, the historicity, or even the usefulness of the conceptual edifice of the theory. Furthermore, therapeutic techniques evolve far more quickly and substantially than the theories that ostensibly yield them. They are self-modifying "moving targets" - not rigid and replicable procedures and rituals.

Another obstacle in trying to establish the scientific value of psychoanalysis is its ambiguity. It is unclear, for instance, what in psychoanalysis qualify as causes - and what as their effects.

Consider the critical construct of the unconscious. Is it the reason for - does it cause - our behavior, conscious thoughts, and emotions? Does it provide them with a "ratio" (explanation)? Or are they mere symptoms of inexorable underlying processes? Even these basic questions receive no "dynamic" or "physical" treatment in classic (Freudian) psychoanalytic theory. So much for its pretensions to be a scientific endeavor.

Psychoanalysis is circumstantial and supported by epistemic accounts, starting with the master himself. It appeals to one's common sense and previous experience. Its statements are of these forms: "given X, Y, and Z reported by the patient - doesn't it stand to (everyday) reason that A caused X?" or "We know that B causes M, that M is very similar to X, and that B is very similar to A. Isn't it reasonable to assume that A causes X?".

In therapy, the patient later confirms these insights by feeling that they are "right" and "correct", that they are epiphanous and revelatory, that they possess retrodictive and predictive powers, and by reporting his reactions to the therapist-interpreter. This acclamation seals the narrative's probative value as a basic (not to say primitive) form of explanation which provides a time frame, a coincident pattern, and sets of teleological aims, ideas and values.

Juan Rivera is right that Freud's claims about infantile life cannot be proven, not even with a Gedankenexperimental movie camera, as Robert Vaelder suggested. It is equally true that the theory's etiological claims are epidemiologically untestable, as Grunbaum repeatedly says. But these failures miss the point and aim of psychoanalysis: to provide an organizing and comprehensive, non-tendentious, and persuasive narrative of human psychological development.

Should such a narrative be testable and falsifiable or else discarded (as the Logical Positivists insist)?

Depends if we wish to treat it as science or as an art form. This is the circularity of the arguments against psychoanalysis. If Freud's work is considered to be the modern equivalent of myth, religion, or literature - it need not be tested to be considered "true" in the deepest sense of the word. After all, how much of the science of the 19th century has survived to this day anyhow?

There is a certain mystique about the striper that makes everyone want to catch them. It's a beautiful fish, anyone who has seen one fresh out of the water with the sun shining off their silvery sides will agree.

Striped Bass Fishing

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Striped Bass. Striper's. Rock fish. Linesiders. There is a certain mystique about the striper that makes everyone want to catch them. It's a beautiful fish, anyone who has seen one fresh out of the water with the sun shining off their silvery sides will agree. Catching them can be another matter entirely, though. There are a lot of "bottom fishermen" who may be switching to bass fishing in 2008 due to the possible regulations that could be applied to flounder, scup, and other species as a result of lawsuits by environmentalist groups. Fishing for bass is quite different from bottom fishing.

Bass are aggressive feeders at certain times of the day and also when large amounts of bait are around. This is usually pretty easy to spot, as bait will be jumping as the bass feed upon them. Its a matter of motoring up and slowing down before you get too close and casting an appropriate lure in among them. Don't make the mistake of going right into or through the area of feeding fish, this is the quickest way to put an end to the fishing. Under these conditions a top water plug or soft plastic that matches the size and shape of the bait is a good choice. Cast in, and as soon as you hit the water, close up and begin a retrieve. Don't move it too fast unless they are bluefish.

Early morning is normally a very good time for bass, they will feed in the shallows near some kind of structure (rocks, drop offs, humps), usually when there is a current to sweep helpless bait past them. At this time top water plugs can be very productive because of the low light conditions. If it's going to be overcast or foggy that day, so much the better for the bass fishing. Top water plugs should be surface swimmers, poppers, or walkers in white. They should be worked as if they are injured, occasionally stopping them during the retrieve. It's so cool when the fish smashes that surface plug, splashing, rolling, then running like hell. My favorite kind of bass fishing.

Once there is a good amount of light and the top water plugs stop producing, its time to switch to soft plastics and probably move into an area of structure in deeper water. Current is again important, the bass depend on this to sweep food past them and when the current is weak or non-existent you can normally expect that the bass won't be aggressive, you have to bang them off the nose then to get a strike. When drifting with soft plastics, first you get up drift of the structure with the boat and position the boat so you will drift over it, then turn the motor off. Next, consider the depth the fish may be holding in. If the structure is in 30 feet of water, cast out, leave the bail open and count to 15 (one thousand one to one thousand fifteen), then close it up and start your retrieve. You should also vary your retrieve, try slow, try fast, try jigging and reeling, until you find what the fish like. If you get a hit and don't hook up, work the bait very slowly with!

short jigs as if it is injured. This will normally bring on follow-up strikes. The tendency is to haul back and reel hard, but this will only result in another strike with a bluefish, if it's a bass they most likely will not chase it. It's also possible to have a bluefish hit and bite part of the plastic off and then as you work it as if injured a bass will take it. This is because bass love to pick up after the bluefish, who tend to be messy eaters and will chop up a bait without finishing it off, leaving the pieces to fall to the bottom.

What soft plastic do you use? Well, you try to 'match the hatch', as it were. If you know what their feeding on, use something that approximates that bait. For sand eels, use green/white zooms, sluggos, or fin-s on a jig head. If they are feeding on bunker, use a 4", 5" or 6" Storm swim shad bait in bunker color. If they are feeding on herring, use a 6" Storm swim shad in pearl.

Trolling is another way to fish for bass. The hard part is knowing what to do when your not catching them. Most trolling is done with weights, down riggers, or wire line rods. This is because bass go into the lower part of the water column once the sun is up, so you need a way to get your rig down to where the bass are. We fish an area along the RI south shore which has lots of boulders and is around 28 feet deep. When trolling, we use wire outfits with 200 feet of wire on them. This gets the rig down about 20 feet or so, which is close enough considering how shallow the area is, and how the boulders stick up. We troll umbrellas, tube and worm rigs, or parachute jigs. Usually though we'll only resort to this method when we having trouble getting soft plastics down to the fish. It can be very productive. Speed can be anything from 2 knots to 6 knots, usually we vary it throughout the time we troll. Its not at all unusual to get hits right after changing speed. When!

its not working, your speed is wrong, your rig is at the wrong depth, or the fish are gone. However, I always make the first assumptions before assuming the fish are gone. If you go half an hour without a fish, its time to hang it up and move onward or try something different.

If you keep some of these tips in mind when you're out there then success can be yours when fishing for Bass.

For many years, people have been talking about and taking nutritional supplements. What started out as natural herbs, has now grown into a trend that people use on a daily basis. These days, you can find supplements more sophisticated than ever, available in many different forms such as liquid, capsules, pills, and teas. There are some that are still home grown, although they aren’t as popular as those that are commercially supplied.

In general, nutritional supplements are taken to help with diets that are missing vital nutrients and minerals. They come in many different forms as stated above, and provide one or more of vital sources such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and amino acids. Although they aren’t intended to replace meals, nutritional supplements can be taken to enhance your diet.

There are many reasons why you should take nutritional supplements. One reason, is the environment. With the environment rapidly changing, there is more toxin in the air, in the water we drink, and the foods we eat. With our bodies having to work twice as hard to eliminate these toxins, it is always wise to take supplements and help our bodies to get rid of the harmful toxins.

Stress is also a factor on your body. Stress can put your body at risk for many different things, such as a lower resistance for diseases. Therefore, if you take supplements, you can get your immune system built back up and help your body function a lot better. There are many different nutritional supplements you can take, such as glyconutrients, that will help you combat stress.

One of the main reasons to take nutritional supplements is due to poor eating habits. Those who have busy lifestyles, sometimes don’t eat as healthy as they should. Often times, it can be very hard to take the necessary time to eat a healthy meal. Whenever we can’t get a healthy meal, we can always look towards supplements. They will enhance our diets and give us the nutrients that our bodies need for energy, health, and many other purposes.

Those of us that are athletic or exercise, will need more nourishment for the body. As you work out or play sports your body will need more nutrition. Some good examples of supplements include protein, vitamins, and minerals. You can find them in many different foods, or use vitamins and nutritional supplements that contain them.

If you are looking to lose weight, nutritional supplements may come in handy. Anytime you decide to diet, you eat much less and may end up missing on foods that contain essential vitamins and minerals. If you take some nutritional supplements on the other hand, your body won’t miss any of the important vitamins and minerals it needs. To make things even better, you can also get supplements that will help you lose weight as well, along with giving your body everything it needs to function and carry out your normal everyday routine.

No matter how you look at it, nutritional supplements are great for many things. You find them in your local GNC or nutrition store, or online. There are many different supplements to choose from, giving you everything you need to get the right nutrients and vitamins. If you’ve been looking for a way to get the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs - look no further than nutritional supplements. They are available at a great price - with many excellent manufactures offering you plenty of innovative products.

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